The Lonely Bouquet Project - 2014, Victoria, BC

Sunday 13 July 2014

So.... this was such an incredible day, I am not even sure where to start.  Perhaps I'll explain a little about the Lonely Bouquet Project first.  Somewhere, around the world, someone started a little project called "The Lonely Bouquet Project".  It's now an international day where florists from around the world, on June 26th, leave "lonely bouquets" out and around their home town, in random places for random strangers to find them, to take home, share and enjoy!  If you'd like to learn more about the project visit here:

This was our second year participating in the project.  This is SO up my alley, I couldn't resist!  There are so many reasons why it's such a special day!  I had two amazing helpers (and one in spirit), my beautiful little monsters, Hayden and Alivia.  They helped deliver all 18 bouquets we left around the city. I think showing to them love and respect for complete strangers is what touches my heart the most.  It's an incredible lesson they truly enjoy.  

We packed all the bouquets into the van and started out in the Westshore, stopping wherever the van had lead us!  Hayden and Alivia took turns dropping bouquets. SO MUCH FUN!

As the day progressed, sometimes we would sit back and watch the lonely bouquets before we headed back out.  Hayden and Alivia enjoyed watching people's reactions as they came across the lonely bouquets.  Some would read and re-read the adoption letter left on the bouquets and walk away.... some were so confused!  Other times, people would scoop them faster then we could put them down!  

We had a great idea, we stopped at the Victoria Police Head quarters, obviously some very hard working police deserved to have a bouquet or two right?

Letter received back from Head Quarters: 

"Hi there,We wanted to let you know two bouquets ended up in the 911/Dispatch Centre brightening up the room!  On behalf of the staff of the 911 Centre we thank you for the wonderful addition!" CHEERS!VICTORIA CITY POLICE DISPATCH

As we finished up the day, I think it was one of our last bouquets to give out, Hayden decided to walk right up to a lady and hand her the bouquet.  Her reaction was priceless and Hayden was over the moon.

Hayden had her in tears.  It was incredibly moving and touched our hearts.  It's quite an incredible experience to move complete strangers like that.  Never to be forgotten that's for sure!

As we finished up the day, we were all completely exhausted after a full day or driving around.  We waited for some replies from our lonely bouquet receivers! 

I woke up the next morning and switched on the computer, opened the email account and I was literally in tears as I read and saw some incredible images!  

This bouquet found a beautiful home!

"Dear Tina,  

I found this beautiful bouquet and read the card and felt so touched by the generosity. I waited a while and watched people come and go past it and then decided I was meant to have them!

I recently suffered a devestating loss, one that is not recognized by our culture. These flowers remind me of the love and beauty and unexpected goodness that happens all around us.

Many thanks!!

Thank you Nicole, yes I completely sobbed reading your heart felted letter!  Much love xx

Home found:

"Wow what a gift, found  these at Esquimalt Lagoon Beach. I hosted a cousin reunion and it was so special to be able to share these all with the woman. I handed some out to everyone keeping only one rose and a few decorative pieces ( my Bday Tuesday)  
What a blessing.  I am sure going to keep the flowers your business going. Posting this on every wall I can. The bouquet was stunning.  Absolutely made my day. 
Adoption is a beautiful thing.

So incredible ladies - glad you loved them - xo

"Your flowers from Beacon Hill Park are now in our home at James Bay where we will enjoy looking after them - thank you.   D & W"

"Hi Tina

I was one of the lucky recipients of your beautiful bouquets on Sunday. My daughter and her husband were walking with their little one in Bullen Park and were given the flowers. They were coming to my place for a barbecue so gave the bouquet to me. It is very beautiful and I would like to thank-you for such a lovely surprise! I am really enjoying it as the blossoms open and the colours come together. Very gorgeous.

Thanks again,

"Hi Tina
Yesterday I adopted a beautiful bouquet from the gas station. It really made my day. I have noted your address and phone # and next time I need a flowers I will contact you.

Thank you so much, I am really enjoying them.


So as you can see, the replies would melt anyones heart.  I am so honoured to have been able to give such sunshine into people's hearts, even if it was just for a few days.  I can't thank enough to all the people who were involved in the fantastic day!  I love you all so much! 


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